Lalya Martin's VITA Coaching

This is an empowerment program.

It’s about locating your center of power inside of yourself…

It’s about empowering you to awaken your own wisdom.

VITATM Coaching Foundation #1:

Love is the key to all successful transformation.

A lack of love (or perceived lack of love) is usually the source of:






Emotional baggage.


Limitations and challenges.



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Love is our container.


Every part of you deserves love.


Love gives you the power to choose.


Unconditional self-love empowers people to make choices that are in alignment with their desires.


Trying to “get rid of” one part of you to build up another perpetuates psychic stress, drains energy, decreases personal power and the ability to make clear choices.

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Love every part of yourself!


People who are empowered in alignment with love make really good and powerful choices.


Find your blockages and meet them with real, deep, true love.


Radical, unconditional self-love liberates your soul, authenticity, and individuality.

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VITATM Coaching Foundation #2:

Love and truth create thriving.

 If someone is supported inside and out with love and truth 

they become empowered to create thriving inside and out.

VITATM Coaching Foundation #3:

Everyone is perfect and whole at their core.

True coaching is about supporting someone to express and know their authentic self, 

not fitting them to a perceived box of societal perfection.


You are not a problem to be solved or broken to be healed.

VITATM Coaching Foundation #4:

Authentic transformation removes conditioning and pain from the past.

The obstruction to a new way of being always has a component of belief systems, limiting fears, and/or pain from the past.


These must be accepted and integrated in order to transform.


This isn’t about transforming  from A to B and getting rid of A…


A is what it is.


But what is holding you back from B?

VITATM Coaching Foundation #5:

Presence heals and ecstasy heals.

The compassionate, loving presence of a spaceholder creates a powerful healing container.


Natural ecstatic states provide a healing empowerment and return to wholeness.


I am not a coach who gives advice, or tells you what to do.

I am a guide focused on unconditional love and creating a deep, centered presence.


Ecstasy and bliss:

Make it so much easier to love.


Make it so much easier to say yes to your own power.


Make it easier to go for what you want in life.


Create amazing relationships.


Lead to health and wellness.

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Ecstasy and bliss are not abstract concepts: you will experience them in this training.

VITATM Coaching Foundation #6:

Transmission is more effective than philosophy.

Transmission means that I have embodied and integrated the truth of the tools or philosophy I am sharing and I can hold it as a resonant frequency when I coach.


Transmission means that I have embodied the core truth of this practice.

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True teachers have transmissions, not tools.


We are all necessary. We are all important.

VITATM Coaching Foundation #7:

Your wholeness = your power.

Inner power is needed to achieve our desires and highest personal potential.


Real inner power comes from embracing and integrating all parts of ourselves while making empowered choices about what we express.


Disempowerment happens when we reject parts of ourselves and try to repress unacceptable pieces of our being based on judgments or beliefs from others.


Separation is disempowerment.


Wholeness is vital.


Integration + wholeness = empowerment.


What really heals us is left-right brain integration, and cortical integration with the deep parts of the subconscious.


These ancient tools and techniques create that integration within yourself.

VITATM Coaching Foundation #8:

Returning to our authentic sexuality is essential for reclaiming our power.

Our sexual nature is our core power as human beings.


Repressed sexuality creates the horrific shadow sexuality of the world. 


It creates disempowerment neurologically and physiologically.


Reclaiming our authentic sexuality restores our original power.


It lights you up. magical – sensual – wild – lustful – ecstatic – blissful.


But when you repress something that powerful, you create a monster.


The ideas that we grew up with – that our sexuality is dirty, wrong, shameful, weird, or scary – is a lie.


Integrated, authentic sexuality lights you up and makes you beautiful and whole.


The true, deep root of so many problems is sexual repression.

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VITATM Coaching Foundation #9:

Physical, emotional, and mental safety and freedom lead to wellness.

Safety and freedom on all levels support inner health and wellness.


Physical safety:

We create freedom + ecstasy using:

Sensual breathing Heart breathing Trauma release

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Emotional safety:

From: brittle, rigid emotional experiences

To: opening the floodgates to be flowing, whole, and powerful

•Mental safety:

From: suffering caused by rigid mental patterning

To: flowing, authentic, vibrant mental space

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VITATM Coaching Foundation #10:

Authentic transformation addresses the whole body, mind, and spirit.

Lasting transformation must address and involve the body/emotions/ sensations/mind/energy and spirit.

True transformation is a whole body and whole being experience that includes and accepts all parts of the human experience.


Body – Mind – Sensation – Emotions


Many coaches and systems work only on the mental or emotional level…

…but lasting transformation involves all four parts.

VITATM Coaching Foundation #11:

Effective coaching eventually leads to recognition of inner truth.

People can get subconsciously addicted to being in a cycle of transformation as a way to avoid their inner truth and power.


The VITATM tools always point people back to owning their inner truth and power.


This inner freedom and inner truth is a flavor you’ll taste:


In the sexual practices


In the meditations


In the conscious


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The truth of who you are is already whole, perfect, and free…

…so while you don’t need to spend a lifetime trying to solve an issue, that issue can obstruct your freedom.


I sit with my inner truth, and that allows me to hold space while you sit with yours. 

VITATM Coaching Foundation #12:

Aliveness is our Goal!

We’re always optimizing for aliveness in life, sexuality, and relationships.


Our goals and desires can be an invitation to transform and evolve in ways that create ever- increasing levels of aliveness and engagement with life.


Aliveness is a Tantric practice.


We have conditioning against our aliveness: It’s not okay. It’s wrong. It’s too much.


Your truest desires lead you to wholeness, truth, and unconditional self-love.


Embracing aliveness means embracing the full cycle of life and existence.

Love is the key to all successful transformation.